My 3 Month Old Baby Has Sweaty Palms and Feet

Sleeping like a baby isn't always as peaceful as it sounds. Babies often moan, groan, and whimper in their sleep, which can be disconcerting to new parents, even though it's pretty normal. But sometimes a baby's sleep behaviors can indicate a more serious problem.

Your baby pauses between breaths

You've probably noticed your baby's breathing rhythm changes as she sleeps. She might breathe rapidly at first, then more slowly, before pausing for five to 10 seconds and resuming rapid breathing, and so on. Doctors call this "periodic breathing," and it's common in babies until they're about 6 months old. Your infant's breathing may follow this pattern up to 5 percent of the time she's asleep, says Gary E. Freed, professor of pediatrics and director of the Children's Apnea Center at Emory University School of Medicine.

Possible cause for concern: Some infants experience central sleep apnea, which causes them to stop breathing for up to 20 seconds. These episodes are normal and may be due to an immature brain stem, which regulates breathing. But if pauses last longer than 20 seconds, your child's doctor may want to examine your baby and refer her to a specialist for evaluation. In most cases, a baby's irregular breathing is nothing to worry about.

It's also not unusual for a newborn's hands and feet to appear bluish at times – it can happen if your baby is crying or coughing, or if she's a bit cold. But if your baby's forehead, tongue, nails, lips, or the trunk of her body seems persistently blue, she may be having trouble getting enough oxygen.

What to do about it: Putting your baby to sleep on her back is the single most helpful thing you can do to help her breathe easily. But if your baby stops breathing, touch or nudge her gently to see whether she responds. If she doesn't respond, she needs help immediately.

If your baby stops breathing and you can't wake her up, start administering infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) right away and ask someone to call 911 for help. If you're alone, call 911 yourself after two minutes of CPR and then resume CPR until help arrives or your baby starts breathing again.

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Your baby snores and snorts

If your baby occasionally snores or makes snorting sounds while he's sleeping, it's probably nothing to worry about. Many babies snore when they have a stuffy nose, and stuffy noses are common during the first few weeks of life. If your baby has a cold, try a vaporizer or humidifier to make breathing more comfortable.

Possible cause for concern: Persistent snoring can sometimes indicate a problem.

What to do about it: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you always mention your baby's snoring to his doctor, just to be on the safe side. Your baby's doctor can check for problems and may refer you to a specialist, such as an ear, nose, and throat doctor or a sleep specialist, to see if testing or treatment is necessary.

Your baby sweats – a lot

Some babies sweat profusely during the deepest part of their nightly sleep cycle and end up soaking wet. Because babies spend much more time in this deepest stage of sleep, they're more likely to sweat during the night than adults or even older children.

Possible cause for concern: Sweating is very common, but excessive sweating could mean that something isn't right. For example, excessive sweating – especially when eating – can be a sign of congenital heart disease as well as various infections and sleep apnea. Overheating is also a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

What to do about it: The room your baby sleeps in should be warm but not hot. Set the room temperature to a range that feels comfortable to a lightly clothed adult. Dress your baby in the amount of clothing that you'd be comfortable sleeping in without covers. Resist the urge to bundle her up and keep blankets, quilts, and comforters out of her crib.

As a rule of thumb, remember that if you're too hot, your baby probably is too. If the house is cool and your baby is dressed lightly and still sweating, talk with her doctor.

Your baby rocks his body

Many babies are soothed by rhythmic back-and-forth movements, such as the gentle motion of a rocking chair. Some babies will rock on all fours or even while sitting up. Body rocking starts at about 6 to 9 months old and may be accompanied by head banging or head rolling. It usually isn't a sign of any behavioral or emotional problem.

What to do about it: It's best to take a low-key approach to rocking. If your baby senses you're trying to stop the rocking, he may take it as a challenge and persist in the behavior. Move his crib away from the wall if the rocking is unusually loud. And tighten the screws and bolts on his crib regularly because all that motion may work them loose.

Your baby bangs her head

Like rocking, head banging is a common behavior some babies use to comfort themselves. Strangely enough, your baby may bang her head to distract herself from pain – if she's teething, for example, or has an ear infection. Head banging often starts after a baby turns 6 months old and may go on for several months or even years, but most children outgrow it by age 3 or 4. It's seldom a sign of any emotional or developmental issue.

Possible cause for concern: In rare instances, especially if your baby has developmental delays, it could signal a problem.

What to do about it: Tell your doctor about it, just to be safe. Tighten the screws and bolts on her crib regularly. And don't put pillows, bumpers, or blankets in the crib to cushion the blows – loose bedding raises the risk of SIDS and bumpers can cause serious injury.

Your baby grinds his teeth

More than half of babies grind their teeth, especially while asleep. Grinding can occur at any age, but it's most common in babies who are getting their first teeth (usually around 6 months). Although the sound may be nerve-racking, the grinding probably won't hurt your baby's teeth.

Possible cause for concern: Reasons for teeth grinding in babies can include the sensation of new teeth, pain (from an earache or teething, for example), and breathing problems, such as from a stuffy nose.

What to do about it: Mention it to his doctor and his dentist. (Your baby's first dentist visit should happen around the time he turns 1.) The doctor and dentist can evaluate what's behind the grinding and check for damage to the tooth enamel. Few babies are such ardent grinders that they actually wear down their teeth.

My 3 Month Old Baby Has Sweaty Palms and Feet


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